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Technical Article

Bing daily picture api official interface

Bing daily picture official interface:

Among them, format can choose xml and js (json)

idx represents the data of several days forward, 0 is the current day, 1 is the previous day

n represents the number of pictures returned each time, the maximum is 8

Using idx and n in combination, the test returns data 15 days before the current date at the earliest. 

Return results:

Graph database Neo4j installation process record

Neo4j is a high-performance NOSQL graph database that stores structured data on the network instead of in tables.

This installation is performed on Alibaba Cloud centos7. The general process is as follows, and I would like to record it here:

Installation package download address Community version

The download server is abroad, and the download speed using domestic machines is extremely slow, about 20KB/s, and the installation package is 100M+. You can find a foreign vps to transfer it;

2020 National Day Beijing City Tour: Stone Monument Garden

Park introduction:

During the water transport era, the stone road between Chaoyangmen and Tongzhou was the only way to transport grain. Emperor Qianlong erected a monument to commemorate this.


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